Con-current Oral Abstract Presentations Session I
Advances in Imaging: Techniques and Probes
Multiphoton Image Parameters Predict Mechanical Stiffness of Cellularized Collagen Gels
C. B. Raub, A. J. Putnam, B. J. Tromberg, S. C. George;
Univ. of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA.
Measuring Cell Adhesion and Proliferation in Polymer Scaffolds by X-Ray Microcomputed Tomography
S. M. Dorsey1, S. Lin-Gibson2, C. G. Simon, Jr.2;
1Univ. of Maryland, College Park, MD, 2Natl. Inst. of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD.
ToF-SIMS dual beam depth profiling and imaging of human HeLa cells
J. Brison, D. S. W. Benoit, P. S. Stayton, L. J. Gamble, D. G. Castner;
Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA.
Three-Dimensional Structural Characterization of Tissue Engineered and Native Ovine Pulmonary Valves
C. E. Eckert1, D. Gerneke2, B. Smaill2, D. Gottlieb3, J. E. Mayer, Jr.3, M. S. Sacks1;
1Univ. of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, 2Univ. of Auckland, Auckland, NEW ZEALAND, 3Children's Hosp. Boston, Boston, MA.
Hydrocyanines: A New Class of Fluorescent Sensors That Can Image Reactive Oxygen Species in Cell Culture, Tissue and In Vivo
N. Murthy;
Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA.
In Vivo Off Resonance Saturation Magnetic Resonance Imaging of alpha(v)beta(3)-Targeted Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles
C. Khemtong, C. W. Kessinger, J. Ren, E. A. Bey, S-G. Yang, J. Setti Guthi, D. A. Boothman, A. D. Sherry, J. Gao;
Univ. of Texas Southwestern Med. Ctr. at Dallas, Dallas, TX.
Novel stable fluorescence nanoparticles covered with biocompatible phospholipid polymers
K. Ishihara, Y. Goto, R. Matsuno, T. Konno, M. Takai;
The Univ. of Tokyo, Tokyo, JAPAN.
Functionalized Gold Nanoparticle X-ray Contrast Agents for Bone Tissue
R. D. Ross, R. K. Roeder;
Univ. of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN.
Advances in Therapeutic Delivery
Optimizing Delivery of Molecular Targeting Agents to Glioblastoma
M. R. Caplan, J. M. Stukel;
Arizona State Univ., Tempe, AZ.
Enhanced Tumor Targeting Using Clustered Integrin Binding in Non-Viral Vectors
Q. Ng, H. Su, A. Armijo, J. Czernin, C. Radu, T. Segura;
UCLA, Los Angeles, CA.
Nanoscale Assembled Polymers for Nuclear Targeted Biomolecular Delivery in Macrophages: Multifunctional Biomaterial Candidates for Management of Atherosclerosis
N. M. Iverson, N. Plourde, S. Sparks, J. Wang, K. E. Uhrich, P. V. Moghe;
Rutgers Univ., Piscataway, NJ.
Photothermal Ablation of Glioblastoma Using Anti-CD133 Modified Carbon Nanotubes
C-A. Peng;
Michigan Technological Univ., Houghton, MI.
Controlled Release of Hyaluronic Acid from Molecularly Imprinted Hydrogel Contact Lenses
M. Ali, M. Byrne;
Auburn Univ., Auburn, AL.
Exploring the design and function of poly(lactic-co-glycolic) acid microspheres in silico and in vitro
S. N. Rothstein, S. R. Little;
Univ. of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.
Self-assembling Peptide Amphiphile-based Nanofiber Gel for Bioresponsive Cisplatin Delivery
S. Jo;
The Univ. of Mississippi, University, MS.
Signal Transduction of Hyaluronic Acid - Peptide Conjugate for Formyl Peptide Receptor Like 1 Receptor
E. Oh, J-W. Kim, J-H. Kong, S. Ryu, S. Hahn;
Blood/Material Interactions
Immobilization of Corn Trypsin Inhibitor on a Catheter Surface Reduces its In Vitro Procoagulant Properties
J. W. Yau;
Henderson Res. Ctr., Hamilton, ON, CANADA.
Lysine-PEG modified polyurethane: effect of PEG spacer length on plasminogen capture and platelet adhesion.
H. Chen1, D. Li1, G. W. McClung2, B. L. John3;
1Wuhan Univ. of Technology, Wuhan, CHINA, 2McMaster Univeristy, Hamilton, ON, CANADA, 3McMaster Univ., Hamilton, ON, CANADA.
Modification of Polymeric Surfaces with High Density Lipoprotein Strongly Improves Blood- and Cell-Compatibility
M. L. W. Knetsch, L. H. Koole;
Maastricht Univ., Maastricht, NETHERLANDS.
Characteristics of Microphase Segmented Polyurethane Biomaterials During Hydration: Phase Restructuring, Protein Adsorption and Platelet Adhesion
L-C. XU1, J. Runt2, C. A. Siedlecki1;
1Penn State Univ., Hershey, PA, 2Penn State Univ., State College, PA.
Co-alloy implant debris (soluble and particulate) activate the macrophage inflammasome “danger” signaling pathway: A novel intracellular wear debris sensing mechanism
M. S. Caicedo, R. Desai, A. Reddy, K. McAllister, J. Jacobs, N. Hallab;
Rush Univ. Med. Ctr., Chicago, IL.
Apolipoprotein AI, a Major Player in Blood Material Interactions
R. M. Cornelius, J. Macri, J. L. Brash;
McMaster Univ., Hamilton, ON, CANADA.
Isolation of Cord Blood-Derived Hematopoietic Stem Cells Using Macroporous Affinity Cryogel Matrix
A. Srivastava;
Indian Inst. of Technology kanpur, Kanpur, INDIA.
Platelet inhibition and endothelial cell adhesion on stable elastin-like polypeptide enriched biomaterials
P. H. Blit1, W. G. McClung2, J. L. Brash2, K. A. Woodhouse3, J. P. Santerre1;
1Univ. of Toronto, Toronto, ON, CANADA, 2McMaster Univ., Hamilton, ON, CANADA, 3Queen's Univ., Kingston, ON, CANADA.
Engineering Bone
Controlled Delivery of BMP-2 from Polyurethane Scaffolds Promotes New Bone Formation in Rat Femoral Defect
B. Li, S. A. Guelcher;
Vanderbilt Univ., Nashville, TN.
Bioactive Portland Cement Porous Scaffolds
N. Higuita, D. Gallego, S. Sharma, L. Lee, J. Lannutti, A. Litsky, D. Hansford;
The Ohio State Univ., Columbus, OH.
In vivo evaluation of the biomineral/agarose composite gels as scaffolding materials
Y. Suzawa1, T. Funaki2, S. Iwai1, Y. Yura1, J. Watanabe2, T. Nakano2, M. Akashi2;
1Graduate Sch. of Dentistry,Osaka Univ., Osaka, JAPAN, 2Graduate Sch. of Engineering,Osaka Univ., Osaka, JAPAN.
Ex Vivo Generation of Three Dimensional Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells/Nano-hydroxyapatite Composite Scaffold Constructs in HARV Bioreactors as Potential Bone Graft
Q. Lv1, L. Nair2, C. T. Laurencin2;
1Univ. of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, 2Univ. of Connecticut, Farmington, CT.
Effect of rapidly resorbable calcium-alkali-orthophosphate bone grafting materials on osteogenesis after sinus floor augmentation in sheep
C. Knabe1, G. Berger2, R. Gildenhaar2, C. Koch1, I. Axmann1, S. Jonscher1, A. Rack3, P. Ducheyne4, M. Stiller1;
1Charite Univ. Med. Ctr., Berlin, GERMANY, 2Federal Inst. for Material Res. and Testing, Berlin, GERMANY, 3European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble, FRANCE, 4Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.
Fibrin Gel-Based Delivery of Growth Factors for Bone Healing in the Critical Size Rat Calvarial Defect
I. Catelas1, K. Sena2, S. Helgerson1, J. F. Dwyer1, Z. Yang1, D. R. Sumner2, A. S. Virdi2;
1Baxter Corp., Round Lake, IL, 2Anatomy and Cell Biology, Rush Univ. Med. Ctr., Chicago, IL.
Osteogenic Potential of Cells Isolated from Lipid-Rich Layer of Reamer Aspirate
S. S. Kay-Sinclair1, K. J. Jeray2, S. L. Tanner2, K. J. L. Burg1;
1Clemson Univ., Clemson, SC, 2Greenville Hosp. System Univ. Med. Ctr., Greenville, SC.
Osteoclast Cell Proliferation, Differentiation and Resorption on Polyurethane/Bone Composite Implants for Reconstruction of Craniofacial Defects
P. Alvarez1, A. Srinivasan1, J. Dumas2, A. Karunanidhi1, J. Kim1, S. Guelcher2, J. Hollinger1;
1Carnegie Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, PA, 2Vanderbilt Univ., Nashville, TN.
Preventing Implant-Associated Infections
Controlling S. epidermidis Colonization by Surface Micropatterning
M. Libera, Y. Wang, Q. Wang;
Stevens Inst. of technology, Hoboken, NJ.
Development of Multifunctional Nanocoatings for Improving Bone Healing and Preventing Infection
B. Jiang;
Dept. of Orthopaedics, Sch. of Med., West Virginia Univ., Morgantown, WV.
The Application of High-Throughput Methods to the Research and Development of Polysiloxane-Based Antimicrobial Surface Coatings
B. Chisholm, P. Majumdar, S. Stafslien, E. Lee, J. Daniels;
North Dakota State Univ., Fargo, ND.
Inhibitory Role of a Polymer Brush-Coating in Bacterial Adhesion to Silicone Rubber
M. Nejadnik, H. C. van der Mei, H. J. Busscher, W. Norde;
Univ. Med. Ctr. Groningen, Groningen, NETHERLANDS.
A novel plasma surface treatment to suppress bacterial adhesion on titanium alloy
K. Yeung1, K. Leung2, R. Kao2, P. Chu1, K. Luk2, K. Cheung2;
1City Univ. of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, HONG KONG, 2The Univ. of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, HONG KONG.
Antibiotic-Eluting Bioresorbable Composite Fibers for Wound Healing Applications: Microstructure, Drug Delivery and Mechanical Properties
J. J. Elsner1, I. Berdicevsky2, M. Shohat1, M. Zilberman1;
1Tel Aviv Univ., Ramat Aviv, ISRAEL, 2Technion- Israel Inst. of Technology, Haifa, ISRAEL.
Sphere Templated Angiogenic Regeneration (STARTM) Biomaterial for Reducing Infection Associated with Percutaneous Devices
A. J. Marshall, M. G. Maginness;
Healionics, Redmond, WA.
Infection Rate of Percutaneous Implants with Porous Metal Dermal Barriers
D. Isackson, B. Bailey, N. A. T. Brown, C. Petty, K. N. Bachus;
Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT.
Stem Cells: Engineering the Niche
Combinatorial Biomaterials as an Engineered Niche for Control of Stem Cell Transformation/Regeneration
E. Liu1, H. Sung1, H. Rizvi1, H. Patel1, M. Becker2, J. Kohn1, P. Moghe1;
1Rutgers Univ., Piscataway, NJ, 2Natl. Institue of Sci. and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD.
Creating a Stem Cell Niche Using Extracellular Matrix Proteins to Drive Osteogenic Differentiation
A. W. Lund1, G. E. Plopper1, J. Stegemann2;
1Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., Troy, NY, 2Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.
Encapsulated Mesenchymal Stem Cells Alter the Expression of TNF-α and IL-6 by Macrophages
M. R. Quetant, R. W. Hitchcock;
Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT.
Control of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Motility in 3-D Synthetic Biomaterials
S. R. Peyton, H-I. Lee, Z. Kalcioglu, P. Hammond, K. J. Van Vliet, D. A. Lauffenburger, L. G. Griffith;
Massachusetts Inst. of Technology, Cambridge, MA.
Localized Recruitment of Multipotent Mesenchymal Stem Cells by Biomaterial Implants
R. Hansen, III, J. Shen, L. Tang;
Univ. of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX.
Harnessing Cell-Traction Mediated Nanopatterning of Microenvironments by Controlling Matrix Compliance
N. Huebsch, P. Arany, A. Mao, J. Rivera-Feliciano, D. J. Mooney;
Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA.
A Novel Engineered Niche to Explore the Perivascular Association of Adult Stem Cells and the Vasculogenic Potential of Embryonic Stem Cells
B. Carrion, C. Huang, C. M. Ghajar, N. Jeon, A. J. Putnam;
Univ. of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA.
Dynamic Force Generation by Neural Stem Cells
P. Shi, L. Kam;
Columbia Univ., New York, NY.