Con-current Oral Abstract Presentations Session 5
Biomaterials and Neural Regeneration
Keratin Biomaterials Activate Schwann Cells via Integrin-Mediated Signaling and Promote Regeneration of Large Peripheral Nerve Defects in a Rabbit Model
P. Sierpinski, P. J. Apel, B. Tawfik, T. Smith, L. Koman, A. Atala, M. Van Dyke;
Wake Forest Univ., Winston-Salem, NC.
Protein Conjugated Patterned Polymer Surfaces for Neural Regeneration
N. M. Shah, A. T. Metters, K. Webb;
Clemson Univ., Clemson, SC.
Glial-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Released from a Fibrin-based Delivery System Enhances Nerve Regeneration
M. D. Wood, S. E. Sakiyama-Elbert, D. Hunter, A. Moore, G. Borschel, S. Tuffaha, S. Mackinnon;
Washington Univ., St. Louis, MO.
Controlled Delivery of Nerve Growth Factor Enhances Sieve Electrode Interface with Peripheral Nerve Tissue
M. R. MacEwan1, J. J. Wheeler1, J. Kim2, J. C. Williams2, S. Sakiyama-Elbert1, D. W. Moran1;
1Washington Univ., St. Louis, MO, 2Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI.
Length-Scale Mediated Differential Adhesion of Neurites and Astrocytes
M. Libera1, P. Krsko2, H. Geller3;
1Stevens Inst. of technology, Hoboken, NJ, 2NICHD, NIH, Bethesda, MD, 3NHLBI, NIH, Bethesda, MD.
Development of Conducting Polymer Composites for Peripheral Nerve Regeneration
M. B. Runge, M. Dadsetan, M. J. Yaszemski;
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN.
Biomaterials for Wound Healing
In Vivo Evaluation of Enzymatically Degradable Thiol-ene Hydrogels Formed in situ Designed to Promote and Accelerate Healthy Wound Healing
N. R. Brown1, A. L. Jackson1, K. S. Anseth2;
1Dept. of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Univ. of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO, 2Dept. of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Univ. of Colorado at Boulder // HHMI, Boulder, CO.
Injectable, Biodegradable, Porous Polyurethane Scaffolds for Tissue Regeneration
A. E. Hafeman, K. J. Zienkiewicz, T. Yoshii, J. M. Davidson, S. A. Guelcher;
Vanderbilt Univ., Nashville, TN.
Preclinical Evaluation of Sprayable In-Situ Crosslinking Hydrogel Coatings
S. Foster, J. Colt, R. Corazzini, K. Skinner, X. Dai, S. Dougherty, A. Vasudevan, J. Kablik, A. Coury, T. Jozefiak;
Genzyme Corp., Framingham, MA.
Fabrication of nanofiber reinforced protein structures for tissue engineering
V. Z. Beachley;
Clemson Univ., Charleston, SC.
Effect of protein coating and material surface on early monocyte differentiation to inflammatory or wound healing phenotype macrophage
J. E. McBane1, S. Sharifpoor1, D. Ebadi2, J. P. Santerre1, R. S. Labow2;
1Univ. of Toronto, Toronto, ON, CANADA, 2Univ. of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, CANADA.
Lipocalin 2 Loaded Polyanhydride Microspheres Accelerate Cell Migration
L. Petersen, L. Bendickson, A. Determan, C. Westgate, M. Nilsen-Hamilton, B. Narasimhan;
Iowa State Univ., Ames, IA.
Cardiovascular Biomaterials 2
On the Ability of Imatinib Mesylate to Inhibit Smooth Muscle Cell Proliferation Without Delaying Endothelialization
K. Vallières;
Université Laval, Québec, QC, CANADA.
Hydroxyapatite Electret suppresses proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells in vitro by modulation of their phenotypic conversion
A. Nagai;
Inst. of Biomaterials & Bioengineering, Tokyo Med. & Dental Univ., Tokyo, JAPAN.
Calcification Kinetics of Bioprosthetic Tissue
G. A. Wright, J. Davidson, J. Dove;
Edwards LifeSci.s, Irvine, CA.
Calcification of Human Osteoblast Culture with TGF-B and Dexamethasone Treatments on Polycaprolactone Films
B. Zhu1, S. R. Bailey2, C. M. Agrawal1;
1The Univ. of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, 2The Univ. of Texas Hlth.Sci. Ctr. at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX.
Formulation and Characterization of Radio-opaque Conjugated In Situ Gelling Materials
B. L. Blakely, B. Lee, C. Riley, R. McLemore, B. Vernon;
Arizona State Univ., Tempe, AZ.
Optimizing Delivery Properties of a Waterborne, In Situ Gelling Embolic Material
C. Riley, R. McLemore, B. Vernon;
Arizona State Univ., Tempe, AZ.
Clinical Applications in Nanomedicine (Symposia)
Multiplexed Bioimaging of Cancer Biomarkers in Human Thyroid Lesions
M. L. Becker;
NIST, Gaithersburg, MD.
Use of Nanoshells for Combined Two-Photon Imaging and Therapy of Breast Cancer
E. S. Day, L. R. Bickford, J. H. Hafner, R. A. Drezek, J. L. West;
Rice Univ., Houston, TX.
β-Lapachone Micelles as Novel Nanotherapeutics for Lung Cancer
E. Blanco, E. A. Bey, D. A. Boothman, J. Gao;
Univ. of Texas Southwestern Med. Ctr. at Dallas, Dallas, TX.
Enhanced Osteoblast Functions on Nano Rough Micron Patterened Titanium
S. Puckett;
Brown Univ., Providence, RI.
Bioresorbable Elastomeric Nanocomposites for Cleft Palate Reconstruction
T. N. Rosenbalm, N. Levi-Polyachenko, L. Argenta, W. D. Wagner;
Wake Forest Univ. Hlth.Sci., Winston-Salem, NC.
Environmentally Responsive Biomaterials
Thermosensitive Polymer Interactions with Ions to Mediate Micelle and Gel Formation
J. D. Kretlow1, M. C. Hacker2, L. Klouda1, B. B. Ma1, A. G. Mikos1;
1Rice Univ., Houston, TX, 2Univ. of Leipzig, Leipzig, GERMANY.
Physical Analysis of Cellular Chain Formation via Label-Free Negative Magnetophoresis
R. M. Erb1, M. D. Krebs2, B. Samanta3, V. M. Rotello3, E. Alsberg2, B. B. Yellen1;
1Duke Univ., Durham, NC, 2Case Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland, OH, 3Univ. of Massachussets - Amherst, Amherst, MA.
New Methods for Preparing Robust Functional Nano-biomaterials
G. Lopez, G. Gupta, K. Staggs;
Univ. of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM.
Three-Dimensional Protein Microstructures to Study Bacterial Group Activities
J. L. Connell;
The Univ. of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX.
Synthesis of Biodegradable Poly(urea urethane) with Controllable Mechanical Properties
Z. Ma, W. R. Wagner;
Univ. of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.
Enzyme-Responsive, Thiol-ene Hydrogels for Local Therapeutic Delivery at Sites of Inflammation
A. A. Aimetti1, A. J. Machen1, K. S. Anseth2;
1Univ. of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO, 2Univ. of Colorado / HHMI, Boulder, CO.
Surface Characterization and Modification
The Effects of Sidedness and Crosslinking Upon the Surface Characteristics of Extracellular Matrix Scaffolds
B. N. Brown1, C. A. Barnes2, A. J. Beattie1, T. W. Gilbert1, D. G. Castner2, B. D. Ratner2, S. F. Badylak1;
1Univ. of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, 2Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA.
Monitoring Surface-Bound Protein Conformational Changes Using Cold-Stage Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
D. G. Castner, F. Cheng, J. Brison, L. J. Gamble;
Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA.
Surface characterization of novel biodegradable poly(peptide-urethaneurea) block copolymers
G. Zorn, F. I. Simonovsky, B. D. Ratner, D. G. Castner;
Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA.
Characterization of Biomaterial Interfaces via Phage-derived Peptides
M. L. Becker, A. W. Morgan, M. D. Roy, C. G. Simon, Jr., M. C. Weiger;
NIST, Gaithersburg, MD.
Characterization of SAM Adsorption on Surfaces Made of Arrays of Skyscraper Nanopillars
G. Zhang;
Clemson Univ., Clemson, SC.
Long-Term Stability of Alkylphosphonic Acid Self Assembled Monolayers on 316L Stainless Steel
C. R. Kaufmann, G. Mani, C. M. Agrawal;
The Univ. of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX.