Con-current Oral Abstract Presentations Session 6
Clinical Performance and Long Term Success of Implants
Hip Resurfacing Patient Activity Levels Measured Using Step Activity Monitors at Various follow-up stages.
J. T. Daniel1, A. Kamali2, H. Ziaee3, D. McMinn3;
1Univeristy of Cambridge, Cambridge, UNITED KINGDOM, 2Smith & Nephew Orthopaedics Ltd, Leamington Spa, UNITED KINGDOM, 3McMinn Ctr., Birmingham, UNITED KINGDOM.
Clinical Performance of Metal-On-Metal Hip Resurfacings
A. Kamali;
Smith & Nephew Orthopaedics Ltd, Leamington Spa, UNITED KINGDOM.
The Effect of In Vivo Damage of Oxinium Femoral Heads on the Wear of Highly Cross-linked Polyethylene
C. R. Bragdon, K. Wannomae, A. Lozynsky, B. Micheli, H. Malchau;
Massachusetts Gen. Hosp., Boston, MA.
Failure Mechanisms of Bi-cruciate Retaining TKAs
A. B. Salehi1, B. Walker1, M. Ries2, G. Jerry3;
1Smith and Nephew Orthopaedics, Inc., Memphis, TN, 2UCSF Orthopaedic Dept., San Francisco, CA, 3Bone & Joint Inst., Port Huron, MI.
Wear Particles in Bone Marrow of Humerus, Spine and Sternum in Patients Hosting a Hip or Knee Replacement
R. M. Urban, D. J. Hall, E. L. Dahlmeier, J. L. Wright, J. J. Jacobs;
Rush Univ. Med. Ctr., Chicago, IL.
Exposure of Orthopaedic Wear Debris Particles Induces Osteoclast Differentiation from Marrow Stromal Cells
H-N. Hao, L. H. Morawa;
Wayne State Universtiy, Detroit, MI.
Reduced Backside Wear, Particle Migration, and Osteolysis in Third Generation Cementless Acetabular Components Retrieved Postmortem
R. M. Urban, D. J. Hall, E. L. Dahlmeier, J. L. Wright, J. J. Jacobs;
Rush Univ. Med. Ctr., Chicago, IL.
Prediction of Patency in Blood Vessel Grafts by Laser Doppler Flowmetry
C. CHANG, J. Xiang, A. E. Meyer, R. E. Baier;
State Univ. fo New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY.
Spatially Patterned Biomaterials
The Fabrication of Surfaces Displaying Multiple Micropatterns of Different Adhesive Ligands
J. H. Slater, J. S. Miller, S. S. Yu, J. L. West;
Rice Univ., Houston, TX.
Synthesis of Spatially Controlled Responsive Hydrogels via ATRP based PCµCP
H. D Chirra, J. Zach Hilt;
Univ. of Kentucky, Lexington, KY.
The Effect of Nanopatterning Poly(methyl methacrylate) on Glial Cell Activation and Proliferation
E. S. Ereifej, I. Salakhutdinov, P. VandeVord;
Wayne State Univ., Warren, MI.
Formation of Ordered Cellular Structures via Label-Free Negative Magnetophoresis
M. D. Krebs1, R. M. Erb2, B. Samanta3, A. Bajaj3, V. M. Rotello3, B. B. Yellen4, E. Alsberg1;
1Case Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland, OH, 2Duke Univ., Durham, NC, 3Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, 4Duke Univ., Druham, NC.
Spatial patterning of structural properties in a photodegradable PEG-based hydrogel for cell culture
M. W. Tibbitt1, A. M. Kloxin1, K. S. Anseth2;
1Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, CO, 2Univ. of Colorado/HHMI, Boulder, CO.
Perfusable Cell Laden Microchannel Networks in Poly(ethylene glycol) Hydrogels
M. P. Cuchiara, J. S. Miller, J. L. West;
Rice Univ., Houston, TX.
Rapid Screening of Hydrogel Properties for 3D Tissue Culture: Effect of Modulus on Encapsulated Osteoblasts
K. Chatterjee, S. Lin-Gibson, M. F. Young, W. E. Wallace, C. G. Simon, Jr.;
NIST, Gaithersburg, MD.
Rigidity-dependent Crosstalk between ECM and Cadherin Signaling
J. Tsai, L. C. Kam;
Columbia Univ., New York, NY.